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novosound MODH

Our Process
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Soundwave To Screen

Our service, the novosound modh will take you from ultrasonic idea conception to production of the end commercialised product using our ground-breaking technology. Including, cutting-edge AI/ML techniques. We provide the entire eco-system, from soundwave to screen, all in-house at novosound.

Solving problems; past, present & future

We have worked with various customers to create a solution for their industry problems using our ground-breaking thin-film ultrasound technology. From creating a wearable wireless ultrasound platform for a west coast tech company to creating a technology for advancing intravascular imaging with Nasdaq-listed PAVmed Inc.

Start A Project

4 Steps to Get Started

Customer Has Problem
Customer Researches
Initial concept Discussions
Projects Scoped


You, the customer is grappling with a challenge and/or nurturing an ultrasonic breakthrough. The challenge or idea could come from pioneering medical ultrasound applications to cutting-edge wearable ultrasound smartwatches, or even revolutionary ultrasonic inspection techniques for the industrial market.


While the customer is grappling with their challenge, they start to look externally for support and come across novosound.


When customers reach out to novosound, our initial discussions aim to ascertain the feasibility of leveraging our thin film ultrasound technology to develop the application necessary for solving their problem.


Once feasibility has been established, we craft a project scope using our three-phase approach. Below, you'll find the details of each phase.

3 Steps of our Process

Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3

Phase 1 - Validate Idea

In this first stage, we focus on validation. Can our thin-film ultrasound technology bring your idea to life? Is it possible to address your challenge through our innovative technology? This phase is dedicated to testing the theory and demonstrating its feasibility.

Phase 2 – Prototype Product for Testing

Upon successful completion of the validation stage, we implement a phased approach to develop a product prototype. This prototype can then undergo testing on phantoms or live subjects to ensure its effectiveness and reliability.

Phase 3 – Develop Product to Sell Globally

This stage can vary based on our partners' preferences. Some may opt to license our technology for integration into their own devices, while others may choose to have us manufacture the device in our facilities.